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Toileting is a learning process in which a young child learns how to control their bowel and bladder and use the bathroom for elimination. Toilet learning is a natural process and should be done at a pace the child is comfortable with. This process cannot be directed and controlled by the adult (aka as toilet […]

The Importance of Learning New Languages

“Once the child can speak, he can express himself and no longer depends on others to guess his needs. He finds himself in touch with human society, for people can only communicate by means of language. Very soon afterward at one year of age, the child begins to walk….So man develops by stages, and the […]

Freedom with Limits

“The child is the spiritual builder of mankind, and obstacles to his free development are the stones in the wall by which the soul of man has become imprisoned.” – Maria Montessori Freedom by definition is the ability to do whatever you want, whenever you want. The difficulty lies in realizing exactly what it is […]