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The Primary program is designed for children as young as 3 years through kindergarten (age 6). In order to be enrolled in the Primary program, the child must be fully toilet-trained.

There exists a very important social aspect in the Primary Montessori community which exists largely because of the mixed age group and the emphasis on respect, responsibility, and community. Because the learning is individualized, your child can work at his or her own pace while participating in a mixed-age classroom environment. Younger children learn from the activities of the older children and benefit from example, while older children gain the self-confidence that comes with responsibility and leadership.

The primary curriculum is broken down into several major areas (Montessori Primary Program) and we also offer an optional Spanish Bilingual program:

1. Practical Life

These exercises develop skills in caring for oneself, for others, and for the environment. The activities include many of the tasks children see as part of the daily routine in their homes as well as lessons on social etiquette. A main purpose of these activities is to aid the child in his development of muscular coordination, skills of independence, concentration and focus, and following a logical sequence of steps.

2. Sensorial

These exercises promote the development of the senses. Children develop cognitive skills by learning to order and classify their impressions through activities in touch, sight, taste, smell, listening, and exploring the physical properties of their environment.

3. Language

These exercises build skills in analyzing sounds in a word, discriminating sounds, preparing the hand for writing, developing written and verbal expression, laying a foundation in phonetic skills to prepare the child for “total” reading, exploration of grammar concepts, creative writing, basic research, and much more.

4. Mathematics

Montessori math activities help children learn and understand abstract mathematical concepts through the use of concrete, manipulative materials. Children gain a solid foundation in mathematical principles, preparing them for abstract reasoning, and helping them to develop problem solving skills.

Spanish Bilingual*

Lessons are presented in both English and Spanish in order to bridge the two languages. The Spanish language is integrated directly into all four areas of the primary curriculum on a daily basis and is not offered as an enrichment. Our goal with the Spanish Bilingual program is to create truly bilingual students.

*Note: This is an optional program that parents can choose to enroll their child in.